Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Too Busy for God?

Most people know the importance of spending time with God. But in the midst of life's daily activity, it's just too hard to find the time. Our schedules get filled, situations at work consume our thoughts at night and family and friends vie for attention with us and then we need to get some sleep at night to face another day's challenges in the morning. How do you find time for everything that needs to get done in 24 hours when you need more time in the day. What do we let drop from our schedule? What do we put on hold so we can concentrate on getting through our day? There can be many reasons for our busy schedules, but no matter what the reason may be, God demands our worship. The sisters Mary and Martha give us a good example of this when we examine their two lives. In Luke 10:38-42 it gives us the story of these two sisters. Martha was busy serving and keeping busy but was missing out on what was most important. Time with God. Mary on the other hand desired time with the Lord and this was the most important thing in her life at that moment. May we find the faith that Mary had and seek to worship God and not miss out on opportunities with Him.

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