Monday, July 28, 2008

A True Superhero

When you think of superheroes you probably think of people like, Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Mr. Incredible. However, these superheroes are fictional characters who really have no power at all. They are simply created by cartoonist and they fight evil and always win out. One thing that is true, is that we have a real superhero right here on earth and His name is Jesus Christ. He said in Matthew 28:18-"All power is given unto me both in heaven and earth." In Mark chapter 9 verses 2-9 tell us the story of Jesus going up to a mountain top with His disciples and there he was transfigured and the disciples seen Him in his true power and awesome authority. I would say he was much more powerful than any superhero we can think of or imagine. Jesus has the power to save our souls, heal our bodies, cause the winds and nature to obey Him, and His power is eternal. He really is a superhero. He will alway defeat our enemey and He will never fail us. Put your trust in the Lord today.

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