Monday, April 6, 2009

Morning Thoughts

"The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned.” Isaiah 50:4

How do you awaken in the morning? Some of us spring right out of bed while others keep hitting the snooze button until our hand hurts, thinking that a few more minutes are all we need. As for me, I tend to wake up and just think for awhile. Morning thoughts usually have a theme of what the day will bring. These thoughts that enter into my mind early in the morning usually set the tone for the day. If I wake up challenged and negative, my attitude will soon reflect those feelings in my words. If I wake up joyful and peaceful, I reflect those feelings instead. The enemy understands our ways. He knows that if he can get us to think his thoughts in the morning, then he has a greater chance of getting us to think them during the day. His desire is to steal, kill and destroy anything that resembles the traits of the Lord. Thus, he becomes an active participant of planting seeds of doubt, insecurity, negativity and even anger. As a result, we start the day without the joy of the Lord, attempting to carry heavy burdens that do not reflect the Lord. The Lord wants us to carry thankful thoughts and willing hearts, making His joy our strength. We need to get to the point of not continuing in the ways of the enemy by grumbling, complaining, moaning and thinking negative thoughts. By recognizing his schemes, it is easier to fight against him and surrender our thoughts back to Jesus. I have learned some skills in fighting the morning battles. Firstly, I read something in the Bible (even if it is one verse) before I go to bed at night. I think on the verse or meditate on it so the passage or verse becomes applicable to me. It is good to fall asleep with the Lord’s words on your mind. Then, I pray and ask the Lord to wake me up. He takes that prayer seriously. I always know it is the Lord answering my prayer when a praise song is the first thing I hear upon awakening. As I begin my morning, I confess my sins and ask that the day brings Him glory. Then I open the Bible and read until something speaks to me. Everything else in the day is filtered through His words by being in the Lord’s presence first. He sets the tone instead of me and that’s the best place to be. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

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