Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Standing for Truth

"Now Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. Therefore they said to him, "You are not also one of His disciples, are you?" He denied it and said, "I am not!" John 18:25

What is it about us humans that have such a hard time admitting the truth? What is it that when we panic, we have the ability to compromise our convictions in a moment? Peter is the perfect example of compromising his convictions in a heated situation. Peter was more concerned about the consequences of telling the truth than standing up for the Truth itself. As he watched the persecution of Jesus, Peter impulsively chose to deny even knowing Him. Why would Peter do this? He did it out of fear. Peter was confused as to what was happening around him and at that moment, he only thought of himself. Would any one of us have responded any differently? When posed with uncomfortable questions about our beliefs, how do we answer? Whether we realize it or not, there is a growing, yet subtle, attitude against Christianity. To profess the name of Jesus Christ can bring persecution to the one openly speaking His name. Think I am kidding? Just test it out. People are comfortable talking about “God” but most of the God-talk is with a little “g.” Speak the name of Jesus and people who do not believe in Him will have an immediate reaction. Usually the reaction becomes personal against the person speaking. I have personally felt at times as if I was being discredited in people’s minds because I believed in Jesus as Lord and Savior, even to the point of second glances or almost worried looks. However, I have also had moments when I knew I should speak the name of Jesus and did not do it. The feelings afterwards are quite painful to bear inside. It is easier to deal with the persecution from the outside, speaking out the truth than to deal with the conviction on the inside of not speaking out for the truth. To stand for Jesus in a world who is against Him is not easy and we do not have the strength to do it alone. When circumstances press against us, we tend to want to do anything to relieve the pressure. Know today that the enemy uses this pressure to get us to not stand for Jesus. Why? Because our witness and testimony of Jesus Christ is the most powerful tool we have in the world today. Christians who stand together in one voice proclaiming the love and
forgiveness of Jesus Christ form an effective weapon against the powers of darkness. Jesus came for us because He knows how we all fall short, just as Peter did. His power to forgive us our sins gives us the power to keep going, not defeated but victorious. Don’t let the “I am not” moments keep you down. Get back up and try again. Together in Christ we can make a difference, just by speaking the truth of who He is. Ask the Lord to give you strength against fears in
the circumstances, so that you can be bold to stand for Jesus.

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