Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Good Shepherd Jesus

“How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”
John 10:22-24

Do you think that the Jewish religious leaders really wanted clarity and confirmation that He is the Christ? No. Their mission is consistent in wanting Him to publicly declare that He was Messiah in order to justify attacking Him. Their motive doesn’t surprise me but Jesus’ consistent patience, sincerity and honesty definitely surprises me. He continually answers their questions and addresses their hearts. These religious men think that they are so perfect—perfect in their knowledge of the scriptures, perfect in judging and criticizing and now they think that they are perfectly justified in killing the only Perfect person who ever lived. Jesus once again repeats over and over that they won’t understand because they are not His sheep. Jesus’ sheep hear His voice, know Him and follow Him. Jesus also tells us that His Father fully supports Him and loves Him so no one will snatch them out of the Father’s hand either. They are united in plans and purpose for the sheep preservation. They are committed to the security and safety of the sheep. As for His sheep, we have a responsibility to obey when we hear and to follow where He leads. But if you know Jesus, regardless of how far you stray, He will lead you back for nothing can separate you from the love of God.

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