Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sermon Series Continues

Yesterday, I continued my current sermon series "God Rebuilds" by focusing on Building and Rebuilding our Relationships. I shared from Nehemiah 2 where Nehemiah set out to rebuild the broken walls of the Jerusalem but realized he couldn't do it alone. A few things from this scripture are important to remember:

1. Analyze Where You Are-Examine and see what is broken and evaluate what needs to be fixed. Nehemiah examined the situation when he arrived in Jerusalem and then he was better able to evaluate what he needed to complete the task.

2. Ask Others To Help-Nehemiah knew that he couldn't complete the task without help and he knew that he needed others more skilled and experienced than himself to accomplish God's work. In relationships, it's often people around us that make an impact on our lives and help bring success. We should involve others in our life and work for the Lord and allow God to work through His body, the church, to accomplish His will.

3. Advance Together Toward a Common Goal-There needs to be a singleness of purpose in the body of Christ and strong churches are fulfilling God's plan and will because they are built on relationships that are stong. The church has to be a team and work together. There are no stars in the body of Christ, only servants. This is why relationships are so important in the Christian life. They build fellowship, bring accountability and make the work of the Lord even more successful We can either add something to the body of Christ or subtract, or we can multiply and be successful or we can divide. I want to be a blessing and bless others in my earthly relationships. You can do the same.

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