Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our Daily Bread

"Give us this day our daily bread." (Matthew 6:11)

Today’s verse is taken from what is commonly called the Lord’s Prayer. When Jesus’ disciples asked Him how to pray, He gave them this prayer as a model. Matthew 6 and Luke 11 record this prayer in its entirety. Like many people, I learned the Lord’s Prayer as a Sunday school child and I have prayed it thousands of times. But how many of us really think about what we are praying when we recite this prayer? How often do I ask for my daily bread? I guess a better question might be: what exactly is “our daily bread?” Certainly our daily bread consists of those things that we need each and every day to survive and live on. We need food, water, clothing and shelter. We need financial resources to get the things we need. We all have needs of one sort or another and many of them are necessary in everyday life. So, we must pray that the Lord will meet those needs and give us our daily provisions. There is another type of “daily bread” that applies here as well---our spiritual bread. We cannot live abundant spiritual lives without a daily portion of God’s Word. Jesus said in Luke 4 that "Man shall not on bread alone, but by every Word of God." Learning to feed on His Word everyday will give us the spiritual nourishment we need to victoriously live a Christian life. Ask the Lord today to give you His bread of life, to meet your physical needs here on earth, but to also meet your spiritual needs as you walk with Him. Lives are transformed by the Word of God when it is allowed to penetrate hearts and minds on a daily basis. Make time for reading your Bible today and let the Lord feed you with His amazing Word.

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